Metairie Hand Specialist
Dr. Brandon P. Donnelly is a board-certified orthopedic hand specialist who treats all ages of patients at Pontchartrain Orthopedics and Sports Medicine’s Metairie, Louisiana office. Located centrally in Jefferson Parish, patients from all over the New Orleans metropolitan area have access to the best hand surgeon in the region. As a Metairie hand specialist, Dr. Donnelly focuses on injuries and ailments of the hand.
According to the American Society for Surgery of the Hand, hand specialists have received additional training in the treatment of hand problems beyond their board-certified specialty training in orthopedic surgery, plastic surgery, or general surgery.
If you live in Metairie, hand specialist Dr. Brandon P. Donnelly sees patients at his Doctor's Row clinic located at 3939 Houma Boulevard, Suite 21. He sees a wide range of patients, treating hand conditions like carpal tunnel syndrome, mallet finger, hand masses & tumors, arthritis of the hand, finger fractures, and hand injuries.
What Hand Conditions Require a Specialist?
A hand specialist is experienced in a way your family doctor is not. A specialist is board certified. This certification requires on-going training in the latest diagnostic techniques and procedures. A general practitioner may make a general diagnosis for hand pain or weakness. However, a hand specialist can quickly determine the difference between similarly presenting hand conditions like carpal tunnel syndrome and cubital tunnel syndrome, which can be confusing as both cause the hand to be numb.
In cases where the hand has been crushed or severely traumatized, immediate access to a hand specialist can often preserve the function of the hand and expedite recovery. As a Metairie hand specialist, Dr. Donnelly's office is conveniently located for patients in the surrounding Greater New Orleans region.
Need a Referral to See a Metairie Hand Specialist?
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About Brandon P. Donnelly, MD

Metarie, Louisiana
3939 Houma Blvd #21
Metairie, LA 70006
phone (504) 885-6464
fax (504) 885-8993

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