Hand, Wrist, and Elbow
Surgical Services
Dr. Donnelly performs the full suite of hand, wrist and elbow surgical services like Wide Awake Hand Surgery, open release carpal tunnel surgery, endoscopic procedures, and open surgery for wrist fractures. Click here to review the hand, wrist, and elbow services he provides.
Wide-Awake Local Anesthesia No Tourniquet (WALANT)
Wide Awake Hand Surgery is a new technique of performing certain surgeries without the need of general anesthetics. Learn More
Open release carpal tunnel surgery
When non-surgical treatment options, such as such as bracing, anti inflammatories, and injections, do not improve the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome, a carpal tunnel release may be performed to take the pressure off the nerve. Learn More
Endoscopic hand, wrist & elbow surgery
Endoscopic surgery, also known as minimally invasive surgery, is performed through a small incision, unlike open surgery. It is also known as laparoscopic or keyhole surgery. Learn More
Open surgery for wrist fractures
There are several techniques for surgical fixation of distal radius fractures but most often is with an open incision and plate and screw fixation. Learn More