Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update – Personal Safety

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update - Personal Safety
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As we all continue to practice social distancing, and get accustomed to staying at home, I just wanted to remind our parents and children that it is more important than ever to be vigilant and safe around the house.

“Now is not the time for a child to fall out of a tree and break their arm, or an adult to fall off the roof or injure themselves doing home renovations..”Brandon P. Donnelly, MD

Practice Personal Safety

Now is not the time for a child to fall out of a tree and break their arm, or an adult to fall off the roof or injure themselves doing home renovations. Our emergency departments and urgent cares are becoming increasingly burdened by Covid-19 patients, many of whom will become seriously ill and are very contagious.
We do not need to increase their load with preventable accidents. Also, we do not want to put any more people at risk for becoming sick with the corona virus.

“In order to protect our staff and our patients, I would ask that only acute and urgent patients plan to come to the office. “Brandon P. Donnelly, MD

We are Here for You

I know accidents do happen, even at the worst of times. Our offices will remain open, and I will continue to take care of patients in their time of need. However, in order to protect our staff and our patients, I would ask that only acute and urgent patients plan to come to the office. We are currently working on instituting a tele-medicine program to continue patient care for our less acute and follow-up patients.

This site is not intended to and does not provide medical advice, professional diagnosis, opinion, treatment or services to you or to any other individual. Through this website and links to other websites, Brandon P. Donnelly, MD provides general information for educational purposes only. The content provided in this website and links, is not a substitute for medical care or treatment. You should not use this information in place of a consultation or the advice of your healthcare provider. Brandon P. Donnelly, MD is not liable or responsible for any advice, course of treatment, diagnosis or any other information, services or product you obtain through this site.